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126. |
15 February 2011 |
4 faculty positions in Computer Science (section 27) are opened at University Paris-Sud 11 with research assignment to the Laboratory of Research in Computer Science : 2 assistant professors (MCF) and 2 full professors (PR). |
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02 February 2011 |
Le master de Bioinformatique et Biostatistiques (BIBS) a été sélectionné parmi les "9 masters plébiscités par les étudiants et les entreprises" par le journal Le Monde dans son édition du 12 janvier (supplément Education). Ce master est porté par des ense |
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25 January 2011 |
DIGISCOPE is selected with 51 other projects among the 336 projects submitted to the "Equipment of Excellence" call for projects by the French government. |
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14 December 2010 |
The Institute for Computer Science and its interactions (INS2I) of the CNRS recruits in 2011 :
- 1 1st class full researcher (DR1)
- 12 2nd class full researchers (DR2)
- 2 1st class assistant researchers (CR1)
- 12 2nd class assistant researchers |
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22 November 2010 |
Stuart Russell's Invited Seminar at Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, will take place on November 22nd, Monday, 11am, room 79.
Everyone is welcome. |
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16 November 2010 |
Visualization, organization of great amount of data and quantum computer |
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19 October 2010 |
Companies, students and anyone who is interested in computer science are welcome at LRI during the "Fête de la Science" on October 19, 22 and 24. |
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12 October 2010 |
Digiteo annual Forum
October 12, 2010
Ecole Polytechnique |
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10 June 2010 |
8th French Combinatorial Conference (8FCC), University Paris-Sud, 28th June to 2th July. |
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06 August 2010 |
Chercheuse au CNRS, Julia Kempe s'est vue décerner le 7 juin 2010 à Paris le Trophée Femme en Or 2010 dans la catégorie « recherche ». |
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27 May 2010 |
Pr Alfred Hero is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan and Digiteo Chair. He will give a talk on 8th of June at Supelec (amphi F3.05) at 2:00 pm |
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26 May 2010 |
Le 4 Juin en Salle 79 du LRI, journée Graphes et Optimisation en l'honneur de Mekkia Kouider |
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07 June 2010 |
Classements des candidats aux cinq postes de Maître de conférences ouverts au recrutement après décision du CA |
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16 April 2010 |
Le 7 Mai en Salle 79 du LRI, journée de Combinatoire en l'honneur de Dominique Gouyou-Beauchamps |
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01 March 2010 |
in section 27 (Computer Science) at the University of Paris-Sud 11 : two are at the Orsay Faculty (UFR) of Sciences, one of which is accompanied by an INRIA Chair, and three are at the Orsay Institute of Technology. Deadline for candidates: 25 March 2010 |
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Paris, April 6-10. the premier international conference for researchers and industrial practitioners on Testing and V&V |
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The 4th workshop on Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics is going to take place on March 24-25, 2010 in the capital of France. |
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This project has been chosen on the 16th of December 2009 after a highly selective european process. The LRI is participating through the University Paris Sud XI. |
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01 January 2010 |
On Friday January 8, 2010, during the new year celebration, Michel Beaudouin-Lafon ended his second term has head of the lab and handed it off to new LRI director Philippe Dague. |
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01 January 2010 |
On December 18, Guy Couarraze, président of Université Paris-Sud 11 and Michel Cosnard, Président Directeur Général de l'INRIA, signed a framework agreement between their two institutions. |
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20 November 2009 |
Les vendredi 20 et samedi 21 novembre 2009, le LRI a ouvert ses portes aux scolaires et au grand public. Le LRI a proposé à cette occasion six animations. Environ 180 élèves sont venus vendredi et 75 personnes de tout âge nous ont rendu visite samedi |
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17 November 2009 |
The tradeoffs of Large-Scale Machine Learning.
Monday, December 21 at 10:30 LRI, room 90
Leon Bottou (NEC Laboratories America ) |
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17 November 2009 |
Covering 2005-2008 scientific activity.
Available as complete document or as individual team report. |
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15 October 2009 |
Jeudi 15/10 à 15h30 Sur le chantier. Discours et pot dans le grand amphi de l'IBP. Aux côtés de Guy Couarraze, des personnalités représenteront le conseil régional (JP.Huchon) et général (M.Berson), le CNRS (M.Habib) et l'INRIA (M.Bidoit) |
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21 October 2009 |
Digiteo Annual Forum
October 21, 2009
Ecole Polytechnique |
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