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15 September 2017 |
Wendy Mackay received on September 15, 2017, the title of Doctorem Scientarum Honoris Causa from Aarhus University in Denmark for her career and specifically for her work on interactive video, participatory design and mixed reality. |
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10 October 2018 |
At the occasion of the Fête de la Science, the LRI welcomes school students on the 12th of october and the public on the 14th. |
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27 February 2017 |
Quan Dong Vu is co-winner of the ROADEF master student prize. Quan prepared his master thesis at the LRI within the ROCS research team. |
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17 October 2016 |
This year again, the LRI participated to the Fête de la Science, welcoming on the 14th and 16th of Octobre more than 300 visitors with activities to discover computer science under its many aspects. |
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09 June 2016 |
Re-thinking computer interfaces |
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10 May 2016 |
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant titled
"Unified Principles of Interaction" with
acronym: ONE |
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21 January 2016 |
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15 December 2015 |
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21 November 2015 |
Towards the more effective use of virtual environments technology in architectural applications
Lecturer: Victoria Interrante, Professor, University of Minnesota
Building Claude Shannon amphitheater |
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24 November 2015 |
The article "Webstrates: Shared Dynamic Media", a collaboration between Aarhus University, Telecom and the LRI HCC group, received a best paper award at the ACM User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) conference in Charlotte (USA), november 8-11, 20 |
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16 November 2015 |
"Free Software, and Free Hardware Designs"
Dr. Richard Stallman is President of the Free Software Foundation. |
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10 November 2015 |
Recent Progress in the Computation of Matrix Functions
lecturer: Nicholas J. Higham, Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Manchester |
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04 September 2015 |
The paper "Memetic Semantic Genetic Programming", by Robyn Ffrancon et Marc Schoenauer, from the A&O team, received the Best Paper Award in the Genetic Programming track at the last ACM-GECCO conference (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference) in |
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18 June 2015 |
The Horizon 2020 European proposal OpenDreamKit (Open Digital Research Environment Toolkit for the Advancement of Mathematics), led by LRI, has been accepted.
We recruit a full time developer at LRI! |
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03 June 2015 |
Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo chair
A Theory of Name Resolution
10:30, Amphi Digiteo Moulon (Bât 660) |
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15 April 2015 |
At the VerifyThis@ETAPS competition,
- the best team award goes to the team Why3: Jean-Christophe Filliâtre and Guillaume Melquiond
- one of the two the distinguished user-assistance tool feature awards goes to the Why3 tool for the lemma library |
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26 March 2015 |
Title : Looking for Adam in a tree
Lecturer : Gàbor LUGOSI, ICREA Research Professor, Barcelona,
26/3/2015, 14:30, Amphi Digiteo Moulon (Bât 660) |
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28 January 2015 |
Nolwenn Maudet, PhD student in the HCC group at LRI, was awarded on January 28th, 2015, the Jury Award of the first EducNum competition, organized by CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Freedom), in a ceremony attended by the Minister of Educatio |
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27 January 2017 |
Two Academic Positions are opened: 1 full professor and 1 associate professor |
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20 January 2015 |
Microgrids and their destructuring effects on the electrical industry |
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04 December 2014 |
Designing and Learning Features for Music Information Retrieval
Juan Pablo Bello
Associate Professor, Music Technology New York University |
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07 October 2014 |
Title: Desperately Needed Remedies for the Undebuggability of Large Floating-Point Computations in Science and Engineering
Lecturer: William Kahan, Emeritus Professor, University of California at Berkeley, ACM Turing Award
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01 September 2014 |
Lecturer: Rich Caruana,
Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research
Title:Do Deep Nets Really Need to Be Deep? |
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23 September 2014 |
LRI organizes the first European Conference on Stochastic Optimization (EuroCSP) and Energy applications. |
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11 September 2014 |
Two associate professor positions in Computer Science are opened at Supelec with research assignment to. LRI. |
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