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Date |
Titre |
Bref |
51. |
09 September 2014 |
Fundamental limits of cooperative interference networks,
Daniela TUNINETTI, CR CNRS, Leader of the emergence project " IndexCod", Labex Digicosme |
52. |
07 July 2014 |
53. |
04 July 2014 |
During the international conference PODC 2014 co-organized by the LRI et the LIP6, Leslie Lamport (Turing 2013 prize laureate) will give a talk entitled: "An Incomplete History of Concurrency, Chapter 1: 1965-1977" on the 17th of july |
54. |
04 July 2014 |
The Dijkstra prize will be awarded during the 33rd Symposium on Principes of Distributed Computing. |
55. |
07 June 2014 |
This award is presented for her career-long dedication to the Human-Computer Interaction community. |
56. |
01 July 2014 |
Le Higgs boson machine learning challenge (HiggsML) vient d’ouvrir. Pour la première fois, l'expérience ATLAS au CERN a rendu publique une partie des données de simulées utilisées par les physiciens pour optimiser l'analyse du boson de Higgs. |
57. |
04 June 2014 |
Journée Calcul et Simulation à Paris Sud
Mercredi 4 Juin 2014 Auditorium Lehman Bat 200 |
58. |
03 June 2014 |
Here follows the ranking of the applicants on the different positions, confirmed by the Administration Council on June 3rd |
59. |
21 May 2014 |
Title: A combinatorial approach to the solitaire game
Lecturer: Antoine Deza, DR CNRS au LRI et titulaire de la Chaire Digiteo "Combinatorial Optimization" |
60. |
06 May 2014 |
Title: Multistage Stochastic Optimization: Approximations, Bounds and Time Consistency.
Lecturer: Georg Pflug, Prof. University of Vienna
Abstract: We discuss two aspects of multistage stochastic optimization. In the first part we presen |
61. |
21 June 2014 |
The proof assistant Coq receives the prestigious 2013 ACM Software System Award. It rewards the involvement of the Vals-Toccata team in the project, in the establishment of its theoretical foundations and in its development. |
62. |
07 May 2014 |
Here follows the list of the applicants selected for oral examination |
63. |
28 April 2014 |
Title : Adversary-Oriented Computing
Lecturer : Rachid Guerraoui, Prof. EPFL
Abstract: This talk will describe Adversary-Oriented Computing (AOC), a new paradigm to build high-assurance distributed programs. The underlying idea consists in |
64. |
07 April 2014 |
The inauguration will take place on the 8th of April, at Claude Shannon Building (660), on Plateau du Moulon. |
65. |
31 March 2014 |
8 faculty positions in Computer Science (section 27) are opened at University Paris-Sud with research assignment to LRI: 1 of full professor and 7 of associate professors. |
66. |
31 March 2014 |
Title: The Satisfiability Modulo Theories solver Z3 Speaker: Nikolaj Bjorner, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Redmond,
The Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver Z3 from Microsoft Research powers a generation of tools, including SAGE, P |
67. |
03 March 2014 |
The MIDWAY Inria international associated team (Musical Interaction Design Workbench And technologY) involves two partners: the In|Situ| group at LRI/Inria Saclay – Ile-de-France, and the Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL) from the Cen |
68. |
18 February 2014 |
Creation of an Inria associate-team R-LAS (Randomized Linear Algebra Software) between Postale/ParSys and University of Tennessee (Innovative Computing Laboratory), USA. |
69. |
13 February 2014 |
How much memory?
by Pierre Mc Kenzie, Université de Montréal, and Digiteo chair "Expressivity and computational complexity of counter machines" |
70. |
17 December 2013 |
Machine Learning for Interpretable Probabilistic Structure of Brain Function.
Speaker : Dimitris Samaras, Stony Brook University, Digiteo Chair SuBSAmPLE |
71. |
13 December 2013 |
At the end of a voting procedure, building 650-PCRI takes the name of Ada Lovelace and building 660-Digiteo Moulon the name of Claude Shannon. |
72. |
03 December 2013 |
for Rémi Bardenet for his PhD "Towards adaptive learning and inference - Applications to hyperparameter tuning and astroparticle physics", prepared jointly at LAL and LRI under the supervision of Balász Kégl. |
73. |
03 December 2013 |
2014 recruitment campaign of CNRS researchers is opened from December 2nd 2013 to January 7th 2014. LRI wants to receive applications at all levels (CR2, CR1, DR2), both in sections 06, 07 and sections 41, 21 and CID 51, 53. |
74. |
05 December 2013 |
Two lectures :
75. |
08 November 2003 |
13-15 novembre 2013
Orsay, France
The 15th of series, Journées Graphes et
Algorithmes, JGA 2013 will take place at LRI, Université Paris-Sud à Orsay. |
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