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Ph.D de

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A contribution to the theory of (signed) graph homomorphism bound and Hamiltonicity

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Funding : Bourse pour étudiant étranger
Affiliation : vide
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Defended on 04/05/2016, committee :
Directeur de thèse :
M. Hao LI, Directeur de Recherche, CNRS Université Paris-Sud

Co-Directeur de thèse :
M. Reza NASERASR, Chargé de Recherche, CNRS Université Paris Diderot

Examinateurs :
Mme Liying KANG, Professor, Shanghai University
M. Yannis MANOUSSAKIS, Professor, Université Paris­Sud

Rapporteurs :
M. Éric SOPENA, Professor, Université de Bordeaux
M. Mariusz WOZNIAK, Professor, AGH University of Science and Technology

Research activities :

Abstract :
In this thesis, we study two main problems in graph theory: homomorphism problem of planar (signed) graphs and
Hamiltonian cycle problem.

As an extension of the Four-Color Theorem, it is conjectured that every planar consistent signed graph of unbalanced-girth $d+1(dgeq 2)$ admits a homomorphism to signed projective cube $SPC(d)$ of dimension $d$. It is naturally asked that:

Is $SPC(d)$ an optimal bound of unbalanced-girth $d+1$ for all planar consistent signed graphs of unbalanced-girth $d+1$?

In Chapter 2, we prove that: if $(B, Omega)$ is a consistent signed graph of unbalanced-girth $d$ which
bounds the class of consistent signed planar graphs of unbalanced-girth $d$, then $|B|geq 2^{d-1}$. Furthermore, if no subgraph of $(B, Omega)$ bounds the same class, $delta (B)geq d$, and therefore, $|E(B)|geq dcdot 2^{d-2}$. Our result shows that if the conjecture above holds, then the $SPC(d)$ is an optimal bound both in terms of number of vertices and number of edges.

When $d=2k$, the problem is equivalent to the homomorphisms of graphs: is $PC(2k)$ an optimal bound of odd-girth $2k+1$ for $mathcal{P}_{2k+1}$ (the class of all planar graphs of odd-girth at least $2k+1$) ? Note that $K_4$-minor free graphs are planar graphs, is $PC(2k)$ also an optimal bound of odd-girth $2k+1$ for all $K_4$-minor free graphs of odd-girth $2k+1$ ?
The answer is negative, in a manuscript, a family of graphs of order $mathcal{O}(k^2)$ bounding the $K_4$-minor free graphs of odd-girth $2k+1$ were given. Is this an optimal bound? In Chapter 3, we prove that: if $B$ is a graph of odd-girth $2k+1$ which bounds all the $K_4$-minor free graphs of odd-girth $2k+1$, then $|B|geq frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}$. Our result together with the result above shows that order $mathcal{O}(k^2)$ is optimal.

Furthermore, if $PC(2k)$ bounds $mathcal{P}_{2k+1}$, then $PC(2k)$ also bounds $mathcal{P}_{2r+1}$ $(r > k)$.
However, in this case we believe that a proper subgraph of $PC(2k)$ would suffice to bound$mathcal{P}_{2r+1}$,
then what's the optimal subgraph of $PC(2k)$ that bounds $mathcal{P}_{2r+1}$ ? The first case of this problem which is not studied is $k=3$ and $r=5$. For this case, Naserasr conjectured that the Coxeter graph bounds $mathcal{P}_{11}$.
Supporting this conjecture, in Chapter 4, we prove that the Coxeter graph bounds $mathcal{P}_{17}$.

In Chapters 5,6, we study the Hamiltonian cycle problems. Dirac showed in 1952 that every graph of order $n$ is
Hamiltonian if any vertex is of degree at least $frac{n}{2}$. This result started a new approach to develop sufficient conditions on degrees for a graph to be Hamiltonian. Many results have been obtained in generalization of Dirac's theorem.
In the results which strengthen Dirac's theorem, there is an interesting research area: to control the placement of a set of vertices on a Hamiltonian cycle such that these vertices have some certain distances among them on the Hamiltonian cycle.

In this thesis, we consider two related conjectures, one is given by Enomoto: if $G$ is a graph of order $ngeq 3$ and $delta(G)geq frac{n}{2}+1$, then for any pair of vertices $x$, $y$ in $G$, there is a Hamiltonian cycle $C$ of $G$ such that $dist_C(x,y)=lfloor frac{n}{2}rfloor$. Motivated by this conjecture, it is proved that a pair of vertices are located at distances no more than $frac{n}{6}$ on a Hamiltonian cycle. Considering the cases $delta(G)geq frac{n+k}{2}$, $2leq kleq frac{n}{2}$, Faudree and Li proved that a pair of vertices can be located at any given distance from $2$ to $k$ on a Hamiltonian cycle. Moreover, Faudree and Li proposed a more general conjecture: if $G$ is a graph of order $ngeq 3$ and $delta(G)geq frac{n}{2}+1$, then for any pair of vertices $x$, $y$ in $G$ and any integer $2leq k leq frac{n}{2}$,
there is a Hamiltonian cycle $C$ of $G$ such that $dist_C(x,y)= k$.

Using Regularity Lemma and Blow-up Lemma, in Chapter 5, we give a proof of Enomoto's conjecture for graphs of sufficiently large order, and in Chapter 6, we give a proof of Faudree and Li's conjecture for graphs of sufficiently large order.

Ph.D. dissertations & Faculty habilitations


The topic of this habilitation is the study of very small data visualizations, micro visualizations, in display contexts that can only dedicate minimal rendering space for data representations. For several years, together with my collaborators, I have been studying human perception, interaction, and analysis with micro visualizations in multiple contexts. In this document I bring together three of my research streams related to micro visualizations: data glyphs, where my joint research focused on studying the perception of small-multiple micro visualizations, word-scale visualizations, where my joint research focused on small visualizations embedded in text-documents, and small mobile data visualizations for smartwatches or fitness trackers. I consider these types of small visualizations together under the umbrella term ``micro visualizations.'' Micro visualizations are useful in multiple visualization contexts and I have been working towards a better understanding of the complexities involved in designing and using micro visualizations. Here, I define the term micro visualization, summarize my own and other past research and design guidelines and outline several design spaces for different types of micro visualizations based on some of the work I was involved in since my PhD.