Workshop Synchron 08 |
Workshop Synchron 08 1 November 2008
International Open Workshop on
Synchronous Programming
December 1st to 5th, 2008 |
SYNCHRON'08 The 15th edition of the SYNCHRON Workshop will be held in centre Paul-Langevin in Aussois. SYNCHRON is the annual meeting of experts in the field of synchronous reactive programming covering engineering practice, tools, design and validation methodologies, programming languages, specification formalisms, semantic theories. Traditionally, the workshop is an open forum with a loosely scheduled agenda and no prior talk selection. SYNCHRON also gladly welcomes researchers from neighbouring areas, or even those just wishing to investigate closer connections with their own research interests. Pour en savoir plus: http://synchron2008.lri.fr/ |
News |
Yannis Manoussakis passed away6 June 2021We have just learned of the death of Yannis Manoussakis, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, on Saturday June 5.
He was the leader of the GALaC team and had been for many years director of the LRI, we lose a friend and a dear colleague.
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