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Wanyu "Abby" Liu is awarded the Télécom ParisTech thesis prize
Wanyu Wanyu "Abby" Liu is awarded the Télécom ParisTech thesis prize
5 April 2019

Wanyu "Abby" Liu, joint Ph.D. student between the HCC group and Télécom ParisTech was awarded the Télécom ParisTech thesis prize for her Ph.D. thesis titled "Information Theory as a Unified Tool for Understanding and Designing Human-Computer Interaction".

Abby was co-advised by Olivier Rioul (Telecom), Michel Beaudouin-Lafon (LRI) and Yve Guiard (LRI & Telecom) and her Ph.D. was funded by Labex Digicosme. Her thesis explores the use of the tools of information theory to better understand and improve human-computer systems.
Abby had received the Université Paris-Saclay STIC Graduate School Ph.D. Student Award last year. Her work was also awarded a best paper and an honorable mention at the international ACM CHI conference.
Abby is currently a postdoctoral fellow at IRCAM. 

Pour en savoir plus:
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