International winter school for Stochastic programming with applications in energy and natural resources |
International winter school for Stochastic programming with applications in energy and natural resources 7 April 2013
LRI and NTNU organize for the first time in France the next international winter school in stochastic programming and applications in energy and naturel resources. The winter school will be held in the French Alps from April 7th to April 13th 2013. |
We are happy to announce a stochastic programming winter school April 7th-13th in Tignes, French alps. Stochastic programming with applications in energy and natural resources Topics Modelling and applications Multistage stochastic programing solution methods Risk management Energy markets and equilibrium Confirmed lecturers Mette Bjørndal, NHH Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU Abdel Lisser, Université Paris Sud Francesca Maggioni, University of Bergamo Michel Minoux, Université de Pierre et Marie Curie Georg Pflug, University of Vienna Andy Philpott, University of Auckland Leif Sandal, NHH Rüdiger Schultz, University of Duisburg-Essen Suvrajeet Sen, University of Southern California Yves Smeers, Université Catholique de Lovain Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU Stein W. Wallace, NHH For registration and more info see attached pdf. Updates will be published on http://www.iot.ntnu.no/winterschool13/announcement.pdf Best regards from the organization committee, Abdel Lisser, Stein-Erik Fleten, Asgeir Tomasgard, Mette Bjørndal, Leif Sandal Pour en savoir plus: http://www.iot.ntnu.no/winterschool13/announcement.pdf |
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