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Data Integration in the Life Sciences (25-27 June, 2008)
Data Integration in the Life Sciences (25-27 June, 2008) Data Integration in the Life Sciences (25-27 June, 2008)
19 mai 2008

DILS 2008 (June 25-27, Evry) is the fifth in an international workshop series that aims at fostering discussion, exchange, and innovation in research and development in the areas of data integration and data management for the life sciences.

For several years now, there has been an exponential growth of the amount of life science data (e.g., sequenced complete genomes, 3D structures, DNA chips, Mass spectroscopy data) generated by high throughput experiments. Large amounts of data are distributed across many sources over the web, with high degree of semantic heterogeneity and different levels of quality. These data must be combined with other data and processed by bioinformatics tools deployed on powerful and efficient platforms for patterns, similarities, and unusual occurrences to be observed. Carrying out analyses of complex, voluminous, and heterogeneous data and guiding the analysis of data is thus of paramount importance and necessitates data integration techniques to be involved.

PC chairs

  • Amos Bairoch, SIB, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Sarah Cohen Boulakia, LRI, France
  • Christine Froidevaux, LRI, France

Keynote speakers

  • Olivier Bodenreider, NLM, NIH, USA
  • Peter Karp, SRI International, USA
  • Norman Paton, University of Manchester, UK


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