Séminaire DIGITEO: Software engineering and testing at Microsoft : A research perspective, Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research |
Séminaire DIGITEO: Software engineering and testing at Microsoft : A research perspective, Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research 18 mars 2011
SUPÉLEC, Amphi F3-05. Vendredi 18 Mars à 14h30
Abstract: In this talk I will shortly present Microsoft's approach to testing. I will then drill down into technologies (and tools) that my team championed in the last years: model-based testing, security te |
SUPÉLEC, Amphi F3-05. Vendredi 18 Mars à 14h30 Abstract: Software is changing the world. But the software that drives this change is continuously growing in complexity and functionality. At the same time release cycles are shortening and customer expectations are rising. How does Microsoft guarantee trustworthy software in this challenging environment? In this talk I will shortly present Microsoft's approach to testing: its engineering life cycle, the role that testers play, and the used test tools and systems. I will then drill down into technologies (and tools) that my team championed in the last years: model-based testing with SpecExplorer, unit testing with Pex, security testing with Sage, and concurrency testing with Chess and friends. While these tools improve the effectiveness of software testing dramatically, there are still plenty of research challenges ahead, some of which I will address. Only if we tackle these successfully, we might be able to say someday that software bugs are as rare as power outages. |
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