Sequential Nuggets of Knowledge - DeeVee - SNK-DeeVee: Detecting and visualising Sequential Nuggets of Knowledge
Date de dernière version : 15 avril 2008
Responsable :
SNK-DeeVee is a data mining tool which detects Sequential Nuggets of Knowledge (SNoK) from a set of sequential data. SNoKs are either softly or strongly constrained, as set by the user. The current application is dedicated to understanding protein domain architecture underlying protein family grouping.
SNK-DeeVee also includes a module for visualising protein architectures verifying the sequential nuggets of knowledge generated by SNK.
Auteurs : Bastien Rance, Christine Froidevaux et Frédérique Lisacek
SNK-DeeVee has been designed in collaboration with Frédérique Lisacek (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva).
Pour en savoir plus:
Activités de recherche
Fouille de données Bioinformatique
FROIDEVAUX Christine RANCE Bastien