# |
 Period  |
 Type  |
 Name  |
 Principal investigator  |
51. |
2004 - 2007 |
Subvention |
ACAMBAAnalyse de Chimiothèques et Construction Automatique de Modèles de Bio-Activité |
52. |
2004 - 2007 |
RAFALERègles pour l'Annotation Fonctionnelle semi-Automatisée de la LEvure |
53. |
2006 - 2007 |
54. |
2004 - 2007 |
SR2ISecurity of routing in internet |
55. |
2004 - 2007 |
56. |
2005 - 2008 |
Industriel |
PICSEL 3Information integration system over sources that are distributed and possibly heterogeneous. |
57. |
2005 - 2008 |
58. |
2005 - 2008 |
59. |
2004 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
Rex CoreGridEuropean Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, Grid and Peer-to-Peer Technologies |
60. |
2003 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
61. |
2006 - 2008 |
Industriel |
62. |
2005 - 2008 |
63. |
2005 - 2008 |
Industriel |
64. |
2005 - 2008 |
Subvention |
65. |
2005 - 2008 |
Industriel |
MEDIADDistributed Mediation of Data and Knowledge |
66. |
2006 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
QCCCQuantum Information and Applications to communication, cryptography and classical computer science |
67. |
2004 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
TYPESTypes for Proofs and Programs |
68. |
2005 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
69. |
2005 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
WS-DIAMONDWeb Services - DIAgnosability, MONitoring and Diagnosis |
70. |
2004 - 2008 |
Subvention |
FRAGILEFailure Resilience and Application Guaranteed Integrity in Large-scale Environments |
71. |
2006 - 2008 |
Contrat europeen |
72. |
2005 - 2008 |
Industriel |
DISCODOMExperimental communication systems for the home environment |
73. |
2007 - 2008 |
74. |
2007 - 2008 |
RegRNAsBiological and bioinformatics approaches for identifying novel regulatory RNAs in human introns |
75. |
2005 - 2008 |
Subvention |
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